Forum 25


A special edition to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Letter Exchange


Chairman Mark Noad looks back at our founding principles

Professor Werner Schneider considers the value and potential of the organisation

Ten Letter Exchange members describe how their working lives have changed over the
past twenty-five years

Patrick Eyres on Ian Hamilton Finlay and Little Sparta

Phil Abel muses on the fluctuating fortunes of letterpress printing

Pat Kahn’s Ramblings

Reviews of
the Letter Exchange touring exhibition Words Set Free
Emil Rudolf Weiss: The Typography of an Artist
by Gerald Cinamon
Carving Out Space at the Ruthin Craft Centre, Denbighshire
Monotype – Pencil to Pixel at Metropolitan Wharf, London E1
The One Life, works by Susie Leiper at the Open Eye Gallery, Edinburgh
Calligraphy Today at the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge

32 pages
Published March 2013